The gingerbread House Contest is coming back! Join us dec 8-21.

Virtual Workshop

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Virtual Workshop: Putting the Garden to Bed


It's that time of year. We've already seen frost and colder temperatures are on the way. Join Master Gardener Mandy Dixon as she shares what she does to get her garden ready for winter. Live-streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.


Virtual Workshop: Maintaining Gutters and Downspouts


With winter coming, we are running out of time to repair and maintain our gutters and downspouts. Join Instructor Lee Taylor as he explains how gutters work and why they are an important part of maintaining your home. Lee will also share some common gutter repairs to keep them working well for many years! Live-streamed […]


Virtual Workshop: Fall/Winter Maintenance


Not sure where to start on your fall and winter maintenance? Join instructor Lee Taylor as he shares tips and tricks for getting your home ready for winter! You'll learn when to have your leaves cleaned up, what to inspect before snow falls, and so much more. Create your fall/winter maintenance checklist with this virtual […]


Virtual Discussion: Preparing for the Holidays


Different people in our community prepare for the holidays in different ways. Some prepare to host family and friends. Some prepare to travel. Some decorate. Join us as we learn how some of our participants prepare for this festive time! Live-streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.


Virtual Workshop: At Home with a Gnome – Crafting w/ Jean


Join us to make a special holiday decoration with the one and only Jean Walker. Jean will walk through the steps of building a special holiday gnome along with everything you need to make your own! Live-streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.


Virtual Workshop: Heating Systems


Has your furnace stopped working? There are several things to check before you call a Furnace Repair Company. You might be able to fix it yourself and save yourself a service call. Join our Heating Systems workshop to learn what common issues a homeowner can troubleshoot and when it is time to call a repair […]


Virtual Workshop: Home Weatherization


  Learn simple and inexpensive ways to keep the cold out and the warm in this winter! Learn ways to eliminate drafts and cold pockets in your home, save money on energy bills and keep your family more comfortable! Live Streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.


Virtual Workshop: Frozen Pipes


Cold temperatures can lead to frozen and broken pipes!  Learn why water pipes freeze, how to prevent frozen pipes, and what to do when you realize your pipes are frozen! Live-streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.

Virtual Workshop: Winter Safety & Security


Cold weather and winter activities around your home can lead to injuries and even death!  Join our discussion as we share some of the inherent dangers and how to keep you and your family safe!  Join the program live to comment or ask questions! Live-streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube.

Virtual Discussion: Winter Tips and Tricks


A winter storm is on the way!  Make sure you and your family are prepared for common winter emergencies by joining our team of knowledgeable experts for a discussion on how to stay safe during power outages, heavy snow and ice events and other common winter emergencies!  Join us live on facebook or YouTube and ask […]